Wuling Sunshine 1.2
Thừa hưởng động cơ Euro 5 bền bỉ của công nghệ GM, đảm bảo sức mạnh và mức tiêu hao nhiên liệu thấp, kết hợp với hệ thống treo sau với khả năng chịu tải kép mang lại hiệu quả cho công việc kinh doanh của bạn. Đồng thời hệ thống ABS giữ cho chuyến đi của bạn an toàn. Wuling Sunshine có thể nhỏ, nhưng cứng cáp, đáng tin cậy và linh hoạt. Năm 2006, sản phẩm được tạp chí Forbes gọi là “Chiếc xe tải quan trọng nhất trên Trái đất”.

Wuling Brilliance 1.5
With the longest wheelbase and largest displacement compared to almost competitors in the same segment, Wuling Brilliance 1.5 is tough, powerful and can be used for the multi-business purpose. It comes with impressive features like a bigger space, more load, and it gains your trust by ABS and Power steering system, regarding the safety. And riding will be convenient than ever when the position of the driver seat could be slide forward and backward up to 130mm.

Wuling Brilliance Van
Owning the large loading space (over 5200L), compared to other VANs in the same segment. With a durable Euro 5 Engine of GM technology, Wuling Brilliance Van performs powerfully with lower fuel consumption. In addition, it is safer with ABS and a Power steering system. Wuling Brilliance Van brings your business to a new level.

Wuling Sunshine 1.2
Inheriting a Durable Euro 5 Engine of GM technology, guaranteeing the power and low fuel consumption at the same time. The rear suspension system with double loading ability brings efficiency to your business, while the ABS system keeps your ride safe. Wuling Sunshine might be small, but it is tough, reliable, and versatile. In 2006, it is called “The most important truck on Earth” by Forbes magazine.

TCMV Office
Lot X1-X4, Road No.10B & 12B, Lot U12-U15, Road No.10BND, 12B & 14B, the Expanded Hoa Khanh Industrial Zone, Hoa Khanh Bac ward, Lien Chieu district, Da Nang city, Viet Nam
0236 367 6688
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